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Anurag Kashyap’s ‘The Brawler’ premieres at Toronto Festival



Mumbai: Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap during the special screening of French film “Felicite” in Mumbai on April 26, 2017. “Felicite” stars Vero Tshanda Beya Mputu and has been directed by Alain Gomis. (Photo: IANS)


Anurag Kashyap’s film “The Brawler” (Mukkabaaz), which revolves around the struggles of a boxer from a lower-caste and gives a peek into cow vigilantism, has premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival.

As its story unveils on the big screen, “The Brawler” a brutal comment on what is happening in India today opens with a scene showing cow vigilantees on the rampage.

Kashyap, introducing the film on Tuesday, said lightly to the audience: “We are the second most populous country in the world, but we don’t end up doing much in sports.”

He said boxing in India is not the way it is seen in movies, alluding to the prevailing corruption in the Indian sports system.

Overall, “The Brawler” is a romantic story paved with complications at every step of the way for its protagonist Shravan (Vineet Kumar Singh).

Sharavan is a lower caste boxer honing his skills in a gym controlled by Brahmin boss Bhagwan Das Mishra (Jimmy Shergill). A local don and boxing promoter, Mishra treats boxers like servants and makes them run errands.

One day, Shravan meets Mishra’s niece Sunaina (Zoya Hussain) who is mute. It is love at first sight.

Sunaina, who can hear, is pretty good at using social media — a tool she uses effectively to communicate. As the plot unfolds, their love has myriad complications.

Shravan has already earned the wrath of his boss and Sunaina’s uncle by delivering a nasty right hook to his face. Now if he has to win Sunaina’s hand, Shravan will have to become a big champion.

Hurdles are created for Shravan so that he doesn’t further his boxing career, land a job and then marry Sunaina. But Shravan succeeds as a boxer and marries Sunaina.

Mishra though won’t rest. He stokes public rage against Shravan and his new “untouchable” coach by delivering them goat meat but spreading rumours about beef.

As is prevalent in sports bodies in India, Mishra, as the boxing federation boss, tries every trick to stop Shravan from winning the national title.

As a last resort, he holds Sunaina and her parents hostage, gets forcible divorce for Sunaina and had her married to someone else.

But nothing can now separate Sunaina and Shravan – the self-described Mike Tyson of India.

Overall, Kashyap holds no political punches in this over two-hour melodrama, spiced by not-so-spicy music.


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Let the children play outdoors, get wise



NEW YORK – The phone rings. It’s my friend in New Delhi. She’s panicked; the teachers at her daughter’s school had recently complained that her four year old was writing her name in mirror image.

“Other kids can manage, why not yours?” the teacher had derided, filling the mom with remorse and guilt. What was she doing wrong? She wondered in despair.

Meanwhile, the child could be heard on the other side of the line, happily singing and showing off her art skills—scrawling her name backwards on anything and everything that resembled a notebook.

Her older brother was in the third grade and was expected to write full paragraphs in English to questions from comprehension. Although English was not their native language, the family resolved to converse only in English to help the child with fluency.

My friend was quite convinced, after a parents-teacher meeting, that her children were bound towards the road of failure. It seemed an uphill struggle for the family that only wanted to secure a good education for the next generation.

After I got off the phone, I returned, and sank into my thoughts. How cruel, I thought, to put young minds into such a tortuous learning process. How unfair, too, to rob the parents the joy and pride in their children.

Not that all schools have succumbed to such stringent pressure but, by and large, in every household, the stories are nearly the same with a few variants.

And yet there has been plethora of studies conducted world-wide in top universities to indicate that the first requirement for the healthy development of a child below the age of ten is a strong sense of confidence and high self-worth.

But schools in India barely pay heed and cram children with learning by the stick of extreme discipline at an alarming rate.

Blame it on the student-teacher ratio or the level of competition or parental expectations. The end result is that these unassuming children are suffering for no fault of their own and at the hands of an education system that does not always have their best interest in mind.

Wealth and adherence to the status quo take precedence over learning and creativity at such schools. For instance, there is, inevitably, the indiscreet partiality towards wealthy families, that can afford those expensive gifts to teachers from their numerous trips abroad.  This is coupled with a prevailing culture to express admiration for children who are deemed to be “smart,” when instead the focus ought to be in upholding those who are often brushed to the margins and left behind in classes, lessons, and games.

Education in the classroom is meant to be a microcosm of democracy and not merely meritocracy. Learning is supposed to be all-inclusive—not just for the chosen few.

In a sad state of statistics, India is among nowhere near the top ten countries when it comes to economy, entrepreneurship, education or health safety.

According to the Global Talent Competitiveness Index, India ranks 92 out of 118, which is way behind other developing countries such as Philippines, Malaysia or Sri Lanka.

Apparently, despite all the academic stress in our schools and colleges, there is surely something that is significantly failing not only in our institutions, but also in our collective, cultural psyche. Other countries provide alternate approaches to education that have allowed them to reach for higher ranks.

According to Sergio Pellis, from the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, the link between academic success and play can be seen in international education ratings. Pellis notes that “Countries where they have more recess tend to have higher academic performance than countries where recess is less.”

Take Finland, for example. The education system in the country has ranked at top of the hierarchy for the past 16 years. Children in Finland do not start school until they are seven years of age.

“We believe children under seven are not ready to start school,” says Tinia Marjoniemi, head of a large day care center in Finland. “They need time to play and be physically active. It’s a time for creativity.”

The goal is not to prepare the kids for education, but to promote health and well-being of every child through crafts, sports, music, and the arts.

There is enough research to show that outdoor play helps to improve concentration, perseverance, language and social skills that are crucial to academic success in later life. It also serves as a boost to children from disadvantaged backgrounds who may not have access to cultural wealth and knowledge.

The American writer, Richard Louv, author of the best-seller, Last Child in the Woods, terms this gradual retreat from nature as “nature-deficit disorder” with technology, in the form of computer games, Youtube, and Facebook, taking precedence over nurturing nature walks.

To know the differences between a squirrel and a chipmunk, acorn and a pine cone, or a sparrow and a finch is not only a source of joy to children, but it feeds their imagination.  Whereas computer games are a push towards competition, playing outdoors furnishes a sense of responsibility towards environment and self-growth by plumbing into one’s own resources of mind and body.

Pressure from parents to use time constructively has led to children being put into strenuous routine such as organized sports, piano and dance recitals, coaching – all of which create anxieties in performance.

Instead, studies in various US universities reveal that when children are allowed to play independently and structure-free, they grow into their full maturity, growth and wisdom.

Just being around nature reserves, ponds, lakes and small animals have even helped reduce Attention Deficit Disorder.

Being able to climb a tree, peek into a bird’s nest or eat apples fresh from the tree surrounds a child with a well-being and a happiness that creates a proclivity to joy of learning.

Playing outdoors has a central role in children’s emotional, physical and social development which should not be ignored or suppressed by authority. As far back as the 18th century, Jean Jacques Rousseau, the French philosopher, championed the importance of play and it continues to influence modern educationists and researchers.

Sigmund Freud in the early 20th century argued that play was the means by which children accomplished their first cultural and psychological achievements.

In our own times, research by Edward Fisher came to conclusion that play enhanced early development between 33 percent and 67 percent by increasing adjustment, improving language skills and reducing emotional problems.

At our house, we know spring has arrived when our neighbor’s kids are out, swinging from the old black rubber tire, tied by a massive rope to the cherry tree branch. Up and down they go, sailing with the wind, while their puppy goes yelping, back and forth along with them.

It’s the summer’s cacophony, the pets, the children, and the birds. One night, well past her bed time, our neighbor’s little girl came searching in our yard with a torch light, frantically looking for a cat that, she said, was lost up on the trees.

Ah, I told her it must be the cat bird. She had never heard of one, she said. I smiled and told her about the cat bird, a small grey bird that imitates the sounds of a purring cat and visits the north-east in summer months. She found it hilarious and went hoarse with laughter.

And I thought to myself that this is what childhood should be about. Dragon-flies, butterflies, little birds, cats and puppies and laughter without a reason.

Sometimes in the evenings over school-days, I see the little girl, wearing a pink dress, walking around the yard, talking to stalks of flowers. I know it’s a make-believe world she inhabits, full of faeries and folk-lore.

Her parents and the school-system have given her the ample gift of time, to roam around the green pine woods behind her house, to play with the wind and the grass with no smartphones, no dance recitals or soccer practices. No imposition of their own ambitions on the little frames.

(Poppy Mookerjee is a journalist and a writer for more than a decade with American and Indian publications)

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‘Omerta’ can be a disturbing watch: Rajkummar Rao



Caption: Mumbai:Actor Rajkummar Rao during the trailer launch of upcoming web-series “Bose: Dead/Alive” in Mumbai on Aug 18, 2017. (Photo: IANS)


Acclaimed actor Rajkummar Rao, who was overwhelmed with the response to “Omerta” at the movie’s world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), says the film can be disturbing for some viewers due to the dark reality it exposes.

The film tells the story of Pakistani-origin terrorist Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh.

Rajkummar, who was at TIFF for the movie’s premiere, told IANS via social media: “It was an overwhelming experience. It was our world premiere and it opened to a packed house in Toronto. Viewers were quite emotional and stunned after the film.

“It can be a disturbing watch for some. It shows you the dark reality of a dangerous world.”

“Omerta” marks the return of the formidable actor-director team of Hansal Mehta and Rajkummar, who have worked together in films like “Aligarh”, “CityLights” and “Shahid”.

Mehta is also the creative director of “Bose Dead/Alive”, an upcoming web series featuring Rajkummar as Subhas Chandra Bose.

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No Hillary Clinton, but Democrats find an ally in Donald Trump



Republican U.S. Presidential nominee Donald Trump attends a campaign event at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio August 1, 2016. REUTERS/Eric Thayer

NEW YORK – Republicans are finding startling new import in the Greek philosopher Heraclitus’ famous saying: “Change is the only constant in life”. GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill are in a quandary as President Donald Trump suddenly decided to switch sides in a tug-of-war contest between red and blue teams, on immigration.

GOP lawmakers don’t know whether to loosen their grip in that contest, on issues centric to their core belief and political correctness, and perhaps, flounder into a sinkhole in the process; or to stay astute and firm, play along despite the adversity and loss of face, but end up on the losing team anyway, be humiliated, out of favor with their constituents, too.

It’s now apparent that Trump didn’t only feed some Chinese delicacies to Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer at a White House dinner, where a deal was parlayed to protect ‘Dreamers’, some 800,000 DACA recipients, from deportation. Trump played some Chinese checkers too, beginning with a pact on the debt ceiling, and is on course to reach home base, with Democrats happy to trail along and land second place.

The Republicans have been left bamboozled, panting and fuming, wondering what other horrors the next dawn will bring, through the dreaded twitter, or leaked sources revealing all to news outlets, of insidious goings on in some corner of the White House, to further debilitate their precarious political future. Swimming off Cape Verde might seem a better option for some Republicans now, than to sit grimly, gnash their teeth at proceedings in the House or Senate.

Whether they like it or not, the Republicans find themselves slowly devolving into pawns in a chess game where they fear being knocked out clinically, by Trump and his new found allies, the Democrats. They are playing a game, they realize, which portends only defeat, even in some key red states, in the next elections.

That awful feeling of nausea, like a terrible, mother-of-all hangovers after a night of partying, is slowly sinking in: perhaps the country is now thinking, why bother electing Republicans on Capitol Hill, when a Republican President can get things done, help pass bills on bipartisan lines, with willing Democrats? Banish those Republicans on Capitol Hill! Their only job seems to be playing bully in an assembly line.

Backlash to Trump’s bold rapport with the Democrats was immediate.

Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King, a fierce anti-immigration critic, sounded the death knell for his party: “Trump base is blown up, destroyed, irreparable, and disillusioned beyond repair. No promise is credible.”

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson reiterated similar despair in his verdict: “A party this out sync with its own voters will collapse and splinter.”

As Schumer and Pelosi gloated over their achievement – with the former even caught off-tape by C-Span, saying Trump “likes us” (making that hangover seem a perennial headache for the Republicans), and gleeful Democrats mulled on how best to leverage this new political churning in their favor despite Hillary Clinton not able to reside in the White House, Trump with his now distinctive, flamboyant style drove the point home on why he struck a deal with the ‘enemy’, via twitter: “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!…”

Some Republicans might be forgiven for drawing symbolism in Cassini spacecraft crashing into Saturn after a 20-year mission. The 2020 elections may end their streak this millennium (ok, that’s going too far, especially by Heraclitus’ standards).

But even as Republicans find themselves with the onerous task of dealing with a president who can turn to the Democrats with or without a moment’s notice, Trump is now slowly becoming the president America secretly hoped he would, despite negative press he got in the primaries.

The conservative, influential radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh opined that fans and voters of Trump still revere him, which for some Republican legislators is like a Damocles sword.

“Their faith in Trump is total and it is unshakeable, at least as of now, and they are not at all worried about this,” Limbaugh said.

There are new battles ahead though, on the immigration front, for legislators on Capitol Hill. Democrats will be wary of not being caught up and under in a tide which Trump is now riding.

Trump’s latest tweet seem to suggest he’s constantly revisiting the DACA issue, on how to wrest initiative from the Democrats, and give an uptick to his ratings: “CHAIN MIGRATION cannot be allowed to be part of any legislation on Immigration!,” he wrote on Twitter, on Friday, two days after Pelosi and Schumer walked out triumphantly, satiated with their Chinese dinner at the White House.

In denouncing ‘chain migration’, or the rule to allow US citizens to sponsor family members for a Green Card, Trump has hit out at a key piece of legislation which Democrats have vehemently declared as sacrosanct.

The battle to win America’s conscience has not ended. In fact, it’s only begun.

(Sujeet Rajan is Executive Editor, Parikh Worldwide Media. Email him: sujeet@newsindiatimes.com Follow him on Twitter @SujeetRajan1)

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Vocalist Bhoomi Trivedi highlight of garba celebration




Leading Indian vocalist Bhoomi Trivedi has a full schedule in the months ahead including live shows and garba. On Sept. 2, Trivedi did not fail to entertain the audience at a garba event in Bartlett Park, in a memorable evening of Navratri raas garba.

Trivedi, 28, hails from Vadodara, and was brought up in a musical family.  She started to learn music while she was in 8th grade. She has a wide range from filmi music to electronic pop and rock music.

The hall was packed, and a large number of attendees performed the Garba, the popular dance form in northwest India featuring children and women in colorful outfits dancing around the idol of goddess Shakti. They tapped to the rhythm of the songs sung by Trivedi. Later during the dance, the participants added wooden sticks (dandiya raas), the tempo slowly increasing. The non-stop dancing went on for hours, and the event concluded in wee hours of morning highlighted by devotional aarti.

“Navaratri Garba is very special for me as it creates an amazing atmosphere of colors, music and then there is always the fun of dressing up. Events like this showcase Indian culture to the non-Indian communities”, said one of the attendees. Speaking at the event, Altaf Bukhari of A.B. Entertainment, which presented the program, said such festivities carry a message of unity and brotherhood to a new generation born in this county. He also thanked the audience and volunteers for their hard work and dedication.

The event also included prizes to the best dressed male and female garba dancers, as well as best dressed couple. There were various booths at the event ranging from designer apparel and jewelry to satellite services, banking products and books.

The event was presented by Gaurang Patel of New Era Entertainment along with Bukhari, Pankaj Raval and Payal Shah. At a press conference Sept. 1, at Holiday Inn, Itasca, Illinois, Trivedi explained the significance of garba in her life. She also talked about her upcoming projects and live shows.

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Haydee Callejas and Jorge Vega Umana launch their 2018 Luxury Handbag Collection during New York Fashion Week



Haydee Callejas and Jorge Vega Umana with two of the luxury handbags from their 2018 collection


The Luxury Nicaraguan handbag line Haydee Callejas has named New York couture designer Jorge Vega Umana as its Creative Director in a move to bring the luxury handbag line to a global audience.

The 2018 collection, El Toro Y La Luna, (the Bull and the Moon) is a line immersed in Opposites and Individualism combining classic silhouettes, evocative color, skins and embellishment with original pieces of art.

The Calaca bag, a generous leather tote, shines with a hand-beaded Dia De Los Muertos medallion made by artisans in Mexico and the Calia bag, alternatively, is individually hand painted by various Nicaraguan artists.

“Each piece has its own identity and is made to complement the owner’s individuality. This line is for the young, multifaceted woman who is unique in her style, whether she’s gallery hopping at Art Basel, or headed to a business meeting,” said Umana.

Callejas is passionate about designing and believes that “luxury handbags should embody the personality of the owner and be crafted in a way that exudes refinement, creativity and functionality.”

The launch of the 2018 collection was held on Sept. 12 during New York Fashion Week (NYFW) and it focused on the synergy between the two brands, highlighting their ability to provide designer handbags to style-conscious women who want to express their individuality.

Celebrities who attended the launch were: Gerrard Lobo from Orange is the New Black, acclaimed singers Falu and Gary Nesta Pine, Samrat Chakrabarti from The Viceroy’s House, Youtube star Humble the Poet, philanthropist Meera Gandhi and Miss Universe Guyana 2017 Rafieya Husain.

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App to treat substance abuse gets FDA nod



WASHINGTON – In a first, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved marketing of a novel mobile medical application designed to help treat people with substance use disorders such as addiction to alcohol, cocaine and marijuana.

The “Reset” app developed by Pear Therapeutics — a US-based Prescription Digital Therapeutics firm — delivers cognitive behavioural therapy to teach users the skills that aid in the treatment of substance use disorders.

The app, which is also a web interface for clinicians, is also intended to increase abstinence from substance abuse and increase retention in treatment compared to other therapies, the agency said in a statement on Thursday.

“This is an example of how innovative digital technologies can help provide patients access to additional tools during their treatment,” said Carlos Pena, Director at FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health.

“More therapy tools means a greater potential to help improve outcomes, including abstinence, for patients with substance use disorder,” Pena added.

As part of the approval process, the FDA reviewed data from a multi-site, in a 12-week clinical trial of 399 patients who received either standard treatment or standard treatment with the addition of a desktop-based version of Reset which could be accessed at the clinic or home.

The data showed a statistically significant increase in adherence to abstinence for the patients with alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and stimulant substance use disorders in those who used Reset, 40.3 per cent, compared to the patients who did not, 17.6 per cent.

The clinical trial did not demonstrate the effectiveness of using the Reset device in patients reporting opioids as their substance of abuse. Data from the clinical studies also did not indicate any side effects associated with the device, the statement said.

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New York wants new Amazon HQ, says city beats the suburbs



Employees of Amazon India are seen behind a glass bearing the company’s logo inside its office in Bengaluru, India, August 14, 2015. REUTERS/Abhishek N. Chinnappa/File Photo

New York City is officially throwing its hat in the ring to lure Amazon.com’s proposed second headquarters, hoping a large, diverse workforce, extensive university system, big-city living and status as an epicenter of industry will overcome its major drawback as one of the country’s most expensive housing markets.

The city is highlighting the example of Google, which has 5,000 employees in Manhattan, as a prime example of how West Coast tech can thrive in the Big Apple.

Another major selling point is that New York offers access to various industries Amazon is entering, including advertising, media, fashion, food and finance, Alicia Glen, the city’s Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development, said in an interview.

“For a company like Amazon that wants to be in all of these different sectors, they have to be thinking this is a great place to put roots down for the next half century,” she said.

The city is seeking proposals from land owners, developers, business groups and others to find the best locations to rally behind to make a unified pitch; it could propose multiple locations in different boroughs. The city doesn’t plan to offer big financial incentives, considering New York an attractive enough location without them, Glen said.

“Kids want to work in NYC,” she said. “They don’t want to be in a suburban office park.”

Seattle-based Amazon last week solicited proposals for the headquarters, a project that will cost more than $5 billion, and create 50,000 jobs over the next 15 to 17 years. Politicians across the U.S. and Canada have eagerly expressed interest. New York has competition from big cities such as Boston and Chicago and smaller markets like Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Memphis, Tennessee. Amazon set an Oct. 19 deadline for proposals, and plans to make a decision next year. The company has said its criteria include a metropolitan area of at least 1 million people with an airport offering convenient flights to Seattle and Washington.

San Francisco and New York are at a disadvantage due to their high housing costs, which drives up salaries, said Mehul Patel, chief executive officer at Hired, which tracks salaries in the technology industry. Tech workers are taking pay cuts to move from expensive markets like San Francisco to more affordable industry hubs such as Austin, Texas, because the lower cost of living outweighs the pay cut, he said. That’s a factor that will influence Amazon’s choice, he said.

“Amazon is going to optimize for the lowest salaries and highest quality talent,” Patel said. “They’re enough of a brand name employer they can lure local graduates and recruit from bigger markets and they can pay less.”

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Spokesman for ex-campaign chairman Manafort testifies to Russia grand jury for more than two hours



WASHINGTON – A spokesman for Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman met for more than two hours Friday with a federal grand jury exploring possible coordination between the president’s campaign and the Russian government.

Jason Maloni has served as a spokesman for Paul Manafort, the international political consultant who steered Trump’s campaign for about five months prior to the 2016 election.

It is not clear why prosecutors subpoenaed Maloni to appear. He began working for Manafort only after the campaign, helping Manafort respond to questions about his work on behalf of Trump, as well as his consulting work for a Russia-friendly politician in Ukraine.

The grand jury being used by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has been seeking documents and hearing testimony from witnesses. But the grand jury process is secret, and Maloni is one of the first witnesses whose appearance before the grand jury has become public.

Maloni exited the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia shortly before noon on Friday, accompanied by an attorney, Erik Bolog. He spoke to reporters outside but declined to answer any questions.

“My name is Jason Maloni. I’m president of JadeRoq,” he said, referring to his public relations firm. “I was ordered to appear today before the grand jury. I answered questions, and I’ve been dismissed. That’s all I have to say.”

Public attention focused on Manafort’s foreign ties began when he joined Trump in the spring of 2016 to help professionalize the campaign of the outsider candidate. He resigned from the Trump campaign in August 2016, following reports by the New York Times that his name had appeared in a ledger found in Kiev detailing millions of dollars in under-the-table payments from a Ukrainian political party. Manafort has consistently denied wrongdoing and said reports alleging that he received funds improperly from Ukrainian interests are false.

The longtime lawyer and GOP strategist faced more scrutiny this year when it was revealed that he had joined Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner in a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Before working for the Ukrainian president, Manafort had consulted for other controversial foreign political leaders, including former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos and Angolan insurgent leader Jonas Savimbi.

The foreign work could be lucrative. In June, Manafort filed new foreign agent registration forms showing that his firm received a total of $17.1 million over two years from Ukraine’s Party of Regions.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a new Foreign Agents Registration Act filing. That disclosure made Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

The other is retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who served as national security adviser to the president. Like Manafort, Flynn is also under investigation by the special counsel. Flynn has reported receiving remuneration from RT, the Russian television network, in 2015, along with payments from other foreign sources.

During the expanding inquiry, Maloni became increasingly visible as a Manafort spokesman. For example, in June, he explained that Manafort’s foreign agent filing amendments were being prepared a year ago “before the outcome of the election and well before any formal investigation of election interference began.” He emphasized then that Manafort’s “primary focus was always directed at domestic Ukrainian political campaign work” and that Manafort was cooperating with investigators.

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Travel deals: Sale on business-class air to Paris and $400 off a Turkey package



© Gustavo Frazao | Dreamstime.com


Geckos Adventures, an adventure travel company for ages 18 to 29, has discounted its Halloween in America trip. The seven-day tour, which travels from Boston to New York City, costs $1,359 per person double, down from $1,510, Price includes two nights in hotels and four nights in hostels; a variety of activities, such as the Olde Town Ghost Walk in Newport, R.I., and the Village Parade in New York City; private transport; and taxes. Meals are extra. Depart Oct. 26. Info: 855-832-4853, geckosadventures.com

Collette is offering savings of up to $500 on vacations booked by Sept. 18. The deal applies to packages around the world. For example, the Christmas Markets of Austria and Germany trip departing Innsbruck, Austria, on Nov. 25 starts at $1,199 per person double — a savings of $300. Price includes lodging at the Hotel Innsbruck, daily breakfast and several dinners; motorcoach transportation; tours of Munich and Salzburg; and taxes. For even more savings, the 27-day, tri-country Complete South Pacific trip departing on Oct. 14 starts at $6,499 per person double, a discount of $500. Use promo code SEPTSAVE. Info: 800-340-5158, gocollette.com/en

Save $20 per day on select 2018 vacations with Go Ahead Tours. For example, the Portugal, Spain & Morocco tour departing Feb. 16 starts at $2,529 per person double, a $320 savings. The trip includes 14-nights’ hotel with daily breakfast; eight dinners; 12 tours; motorcoach transport; and taxes. Book by Sept. 30. Info: 800-590-1161, goaheadtours.com


With Wilderness Travel, save $750 on two European river cruise itineraries in 2018. The eight-day Paris & Normandy Seine river cruise, which travels round trip from Paris, starts at $2,149 per person double, down from $2,899. The eight-day Blue Danube Discovery Cruise, which sails from Budapest to Nuremberg, Germany, starts at $2,049, down from $2,799. Price includes daily tours and excursions, and all meals with French wines and beer. Add $168 in port charges. Select departures March through November. Info: 800-368-2794, wildernesstravel.com

With Azamara Club Cruises, book an inside cabin and receive a double upgrade to a veranda stateroom. The deal applies to more than 60 voyages in 2018 departing on or after April 20. For example, the 10-night Islands of the Western Med cruise departing Civitavecchia, Italy, on June 6 starts at $4,099 per person double (plus $117 port charges) for a veranda stateroom, a savings of $2,100. Book by Nov. 30. Info: 877-999-9553, azamaraclubcruises.com


La Compagnie, an all-business-class airline, is discounting its flights from New Jersey’s Newark airport to Paris. The Back to Business fare costs $1,500 round trip, including taxes — a $300 savings. Book by Oct. 1 at lacompagnie.com; travel by March 25.


Friendly Planet Travel is offering a $300 early-booking discount on 2018 departures of its Best of Turkey trip, plus an additional $100 off with promo code EM091217. The trip starts at $1,999 per person double and includes round-trip air from New York to Istanbul; 13 nights’ hotels in seven cities; 23 meals; motorcoach transportation; tours with entrance fees; airport transfers; and taxes. Book promo code sale by Sept. 26 and early-booking discount by Nov. 16. Info: 800-555-5765, friendlyplanet.com/vacation-packages/best-of-turkey.html


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Sunayana Dumala still uncertain about resident status



Sunayana Dumala with husband Srinivas Kuchibhotla (Facebook photo)

Even though Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kansas) has vowed to keep Sunayana Dumala, the widow of the Kansas hate crime victim Srinivas Kuchibhotla, from being deported, her immigration status is still a big question.

Dumala is currently on a 12-month employment authorization document which will expire in March of next year and unless she receives an H-1B visa or other documentation securing her status, she would be at risk of deportation.

Yoder even said he would take his plea, directly to President Donald Trump if he had to and was confident about having the support of many of his colleagues on Capitol Hill.

“Absolutely, I will personally go to the White House, I will get a meeting with the president, I will do anything I can to make sure that anybody who has any power in this situation protects Sunayana to the furthest extent of the law that I can,” he said.

He even told the Kansas City Star earlier this month that when he learned that Dumala had lost her residency status after her husband’s killing, she lost her resident’s status as well.

Kuchibhotla, was an engineer in the U.S. who was on an H-1B visa at the time when he was fatally shot in Olathe, Kansas in a hate crime in which his colleague, Alok Madasani, was injured.

“A couple of days after the shooting, we were working with many people in the Indian government to get the White House to properly condemn the shooting as a hate crime, which we eventually were able to do –we got it into his [Trump’s] speech to Congress. And, in doing so, we began visiting with people who were friends with Sunayana and we became aware that her status in the country was based upon her husband’s H-1B visa and that when he was murdered, under the immigration law, she then lost her legal status in the country,” he said adding that she was enroute to India “and did not know if she was going to be let back into the country after the funeral.”

Yoder said that he was disturbed by the fact that that a hate crime had occurred his district but “then to find out that his widow would be deported after that—no way, no way. We couldn’t allow that to happen.”

So he worked with immigration officials to secure a temporary status for her while she works for some kind of visa ensuring a more lengthy stay adding that an H-1B application is being processed now but if it doesn’t get approved by March, she would have to face deportation.

Dumala is employed by an Overland Park marketing agency and has been living in the United States since she enrolled in a Minnesota college 10 years ago.

In 2012, when she married Kuchibhotla, who was in the country on an H-1B visa, they both applied for a green card for permanent residency, but the application expired with his death.

In an e-mail to the Star newspaper, Dumala wrote: “On the fateful night of Feb. 22, I not only lost my husband but also my immigration status … [but] I’m very fortunate that many people came to my rescue to get me back on a temporary status … and are continuing to work on a permanent fix.”

If the H1-B visa doesn’t work out, her other option is a U visa, “the U visa is for victims of crimes, which would give her a quicker pathway, but [it] is harder to obtain than an H-1B. So we are trying every different avenue possible to us,” said Yoder.

Yoder believes the U.S. needs to “overcompensate” in Dumala’s case, “to show that the Indian immigrants in our country that we do want her. That what happened was an isolated incident and we want to right that wrong and we are going to put that man in jail for the rest of his life and we are going to do everything we can under the law and in our comments and in our community efforts to make sure that everyone feels welcome” exclaiming that “it’s not very welcoming to deport the widow of a murdered citizen.”

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Ivanka, Sushma discuss women empowerment on sidelines of UN General Assembly meetings



India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Ivanka Trump, the daughter of United States President Donald Trump and officially his adviser, met in New York on Monday, Sept. 18, 2017. (Photo credit: Indian Embassy on Twitter/via IANS)

New York, Sep 19 (IANS) US President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj discussed here women empowerment and the upcoming Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Hyderabad.

Ivanka Trump, who has the official title of Adviser to the President, tweeted afterwards: “I have long respected India’s accomplished and charismatic Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj, and it was an honour to meet her today.”

“We had a great discussion on women entrepreneurship, the upcoming GES2017 and workforce development in the US and India,” she tweeted after the Monday meeting.

External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said that they also discussed women empowerment and social issues.

Holding the GES in India was agreed upon by President Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to the White House in June and Trump announced his daughter would lead the US delegation.

“Women First, Prosperity for All” is the theme of the GES to be held in November, an appropriate topic for Ivanka Trump, who is an entrepreneur in her own right having started her own line of jewellery, handbags, shoes and other fashion accessories, besides working in her father’s real estate business.

US State Department spokesperson for South Asian media, Helaena White, called the GES “a further sign of our broad and enduring partnership”.

“The event will highlight India’s enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneurship, including actions by the government to increase the ease of doing business, eliminating unnecessary regulations and supporting startups,” White told IANS.

About its focus on women, she said: “Women represent tremendous promise for economic growth and prosperity — but in both developing and developed countries, also face tremendous barriers to building businesses.”

More than 1,000 emerging entrepreneurs, investors and supporters from around the world are expected at the GES.

Ivanka Trump was behind the creation of the World Bank fund for women entrepreneurs, which has a target of making $1 billion for women entrepreneurs.

She has also advocated for equal pay for women and improving work conditions for women.


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Priyanka Chopra dazzles in white at Emmy Awards 2017



Priyanka Chopra. REUTERS/Mike Blake

LOS ANGELES – Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra stepped out in a figure hugging white custom-made Balmain mermaid creation at the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards.

She took the stage alongside Anthony Anderson to present the Award for Outstanding Variety Talk Series to John Oliver for “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” at the Microsoft Theater on September 17.

At the red carpet, Priyanka made heads turn with her full-sleeves ensemble, which was adorned with crystals and had a feather skirt train.With her hair neatly tied in a ponytail, her lips done up in deep berry red and dramatic eye make-up, the “Quantico” star exuded a fierce and powerful demeanour at the red carpet of the gala.

In terms of accessories, she chose to go minimalistic with only a pair of earrings which added elegance to her look. Last year, Priyanka had made her debut at the Emmy Awards and left a lasting impression with a confident twirl in a red single shoulder gown.

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Aziz Ansari, Lena Waithe win Emmy for coming out story



Aziz Ansari and Lena Waite accept the award for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series for “Master of None.” REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

LOS ANGELES – Indian-American Aziz Ansari and African-American Lena Waithe added a shade of diversity to the winners of the 69th Primetime Awards here as co-writers of a “Master of None” episode on a character coming out to her family as a lesbian.

They won for the “Thanksgiving” episode, in which Waithe’s on screen character Denise discovers her sexuality and comes out to her friends and family over the course of five Thanksgivings spanning 22 years.

The duo received a standing ovation as they took the stage, where Ansari let Waithe gave the acceptance speech at the Microsoft Theater.

Waithe, who also now holds the distinction of becoming the first African-American woman to win an Emmy award for writing for a comedy series, thanked her mother, girlfriend, the show’s cast and the LGBTQIA community for their support.

“I love you more than life itself,” Waithe said to her girlfriend, while also thanking her mother for inspiring the “Thanksgiving” episode.

Expressing gratitude to the LGBTQIA community, she said: “I see each and every one of you. The things that make us different, those are our superpowers.

“Every day when you walk out the door and put on your imaginary cape and go out there and conquer the world because the world would not be as beautiful as it is if we weren’t in it.”

Waithe also took a moment to thank the Television Academy for embracing diversity.

“For everybody out there that showed so much love, thank you for embracing us, a little Indian boy from South Carolina and black girl in the southtown of Chicago. We appreciate it more than you could ever know.”

Before the gala, Waithe took to Instagram to share a childhood photograph in which she looks joyful.

She captioned it: “This little girl always dreamed of going to the Emmys one day. And today her dream comes true. This is how I feel no matter what happens tonight.”

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At U.N., Trump says U.S. may have to ‘totally destroy’ North Korea



U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the 72nd United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York, U.S., September 19, 2017. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

UNITED NATIONS – U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States will be forced to “totally destroy” North Korea unless Pyongyang backs down from its nuclear challenge, mocking North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a “rocket man” on a suicide mission.

Loud murmurs filled the green-marbled U.N. General Assembly hall when Trump issued his sternest warning yet to North Korea, whose ballistic missile launches and nuclear tests have rattled the globe.

Unless North Korea backs down, he said, “We will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.”

“Rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and his regime,” he said.

North Korea’s mission to the United Nations did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Trump’s remarks. A junior North Korean diplomat remained in the delegation’s front-row seat for Trump’s speech, the North Korean U.N. mission said.

In his first appearance at the annual gathering of world leaders, the president used a 41-minute speech to take aim also at Iran’s nuclear ambitions and regional influence, Venezuela’s collapsing democracy and the threat of Islamist extremists.

He also criticized the Cuban government.

But his strongest words were directed at North Korea. He urged United Nations member states to work together to isolate the Kim government until it ceases its “hostile” behavior.

He said North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles “threatens the entire world with unthinkable cost of human life.”

In what may have been a veiled prod at China, the North’s major trading partner, Trump said: “It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict.”

Turning to Iran, Trump called the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama, was an embarrassment and hinted that he may not recertify the agreement when it comes up for a mid-October deadline.

“I don’t think you’ve heard the last of it,” he said.

He called Iran an “economically depleted rogue state” that exports violence.

The speech marked his latest attempt to lay out his America First vision for a U.S. foreign policy aimed at downgrading global bureaucracies, basing alliances on shared interests, and steering Washington away from nation-building exercises abroad.

Trump, who entered the White House eight months ago, told world leaders at the 193-member global body that the United States does not seek to impose its will on other nations and will respect other countries’ sovereignty.

“I will defend America’s interests above all else,” he said. “But in fulfilling our obligations to other nations we also realize it’s in everyone’s interest to seek a future where all nations can be sovereign, prosperous and secure.”

Reading carefully from a script, Trump said the U.S. military would soon be the strongest it has ever been.

Turning to Venezuela, Trump called the collapsing situation there “completely unacceptable” and said the United States cannot stand by and watch. He warned the United States was considering what further actions it can take.

“We cannot stand by and watch,” he said.

Shortly before Trump’s speech, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appealed from the General Assembly lectern for statesmanship to avoid war with North Korea.

“This is the time for statesmanship,” said the former prime minister of Portugal. “We must not sleepwalk our way into war.”

The U.N. Security Council has unanimously imposed nine rounds of sanctions on North Korea since 2006 and Guterres appealed for the 15-member body to maintain its unity on North Korea.

Trump has warned North Korea that military action was an option for the United States as Pyongyang has carried out a series of tests toward developing the ability to target the United States with a nuclear-tipped missile.

Financial markets showed little reaction to Trump’s speech, with most major assets hovering near the unchanged mark on the day.

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Violence erupts at Georgia Tech after police kill student



A police cruiser was torched, protesters were arrested and at least one Georgia Tech officer was evacuated by ambulance Monday night, two days after a student was fatally shot by campus police outside a dormitory building.

The evening began with candles and eulogies in memory of Scout Schultz, the 21-year-old leader of a campus LGBT group, who police said was suicidal and armed with a knife.

But Schultz’s “knife” was merely a multitool with no blade in sight, according to the student’s family. And many students want to know why a student in apparent distress had to be killed.

So while Monday’s vigil was peaceful, a group of mourners headed to the campus police headquarters afterwards – “and then all hell broke loose,” a witness told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

They marched under a banner that read “Protect LGBTQ,” according to CNN, and moved toward the police building chanting: “This is not okay!”

Shortly afterward, a police SUV was seen burning. WSB-TV recorded an officer on a stretcher with an apparent head injury. CNN showed people screaming in the street as an officer chased and wrestled a man to the ground.

Two officers were injured Monday night, according to Georgia Tech. Three people were arrested, and for the second time in 48 hours, students were told to seek shelter from violence.

Scout Schultz had left three suicide notes in a dorm room, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, and phoned police on Saturday night to report an armed man stalking the campus.

According to the state bureau, the student reported a man with long blond hair and a knife, possibly intoxicated, possibly wearing a gun on his hip, in a white T-shirt and jeans.

In other words, someone who looked very much like Schultz, as seen in video shot from a window above the parking lot where the student encountered police.

“Come on, man, let’s drop the knife,” an officer, gun drawn, tells the student.

Schultz was not, in fact, a man, but rather identified as intersex – neither male nor female – and was known around campus for leading an equality group called Pride Alliance.

“Shoot me!” Schultz appears to shout in the video.

At least four campus officers had surrounded the student by then, according to WSB-TV. As the student advances, one of them backs up behind a parking barricade.

“Nobody wants to hurt you, man,” the officer says.

But Schultz keeps walks forward, slowly and haltingly, advancing first toward one officer, then another, ignoring their commands.

“Do not move!”

“Drop it!”

The student takes three more steps forward, followed by the sound of a gunshot and then many screams.

Schultz died Sunday at an Atlanta hospital. An attorney for the family said the student was shot once through the heart.

Schultz never had a gun, police and the family agree. Investigators said a multipurpose tool with a knife was recovered from the parking lot.

But the family attorney said the blade had been tucked into its holder and that Schultz’s arms remained at their sides throughout the police encounter.

“It’s tragic that as Scout was battling mental health issues that pushed them to the edge of desperation, their life was taken with a bullet rather than saved with nonlethal force,” L. Chris Stewart, the Schultz family attorney, said in a statement.

Stewart added in an interview with The Washington Post: “That’s baffling to me that on a college campus you’d rather give the officers the most deadly weapons and not equip them with less lethal weapons.”

A spokesman for Georgia Tech told CNN that campus police do not carry stun guns.

While the state’s investigative bureau referred to Schultz as a male — “Scott Schultz” – the student identified as intersex and used the pronoun “they.”

The student’s parents said Schultz suffered from anxiety and depression and had spent time in counseling after attempting suicide by hanging two years ago.

But Lynne Schultz told The Post that her child’s mental health issues appeared to have been resolved and that friends reported Scout seemed fine in their fourth year at Georgia Tech.

“We had no clue that there was an issue in the last four weeks,” she said.

Bill Schultz said his child, originally from Maryland, was on track to graduate a semester early – intent on a career in engineering.

But the student was also interested in politics. Schultz had lately become frustrated with news coverage of police-involved shootings, Bill Schultz said, and expressed interest in the anti-fascist movement.

“I tend to think that if there was a cause, it might have been anger at the police over all the shootings,” Bill Schultz said.

Police across the country fatally shoot an average of three people each day, a rate virtually unchanged in recent years despite calls from police leaders and the public for reform.

Mental illness plays a role in at least one-fourth of all such shootings, according to a Washington Post analysis. And since January 2015, U.S. police have killed at least 392 people who were armed with knives, blades or other edged weapons – 102 deaths this year alone, including Schultz.

In a weekend statement, Pride Alliance called its late president the “driving force” behind the group.

“We love you Scout,” the group wrote, “and we will continue to push for change.”

Schultz was “all justice for everyone,” the student’s father told The Post.

“Now,” he said, “we have to seek justice for Scout.”

Bill Schultz attended Monday’s vigil. But after the violence outside the police building, the family released another statement.

“We ask that those who wish to protest Scout’s death do so peacefully,” it read. “Answering violence with violence is not the answer.”

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‘Tez’ to take India closer to digital transformation: Pichai



Google CEO Sundar Pichai gestures as he addresses a news conference in New Delhi, India, December 16, 2015. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

NEW DELHI – A day after Google launched its new digital payment app “Tez” in India, the company’s Indian-born CEO Sundar Pichai on Tuesday tweeted it will help India move closer to digital transformation.

“We hope that the launch of @TezByGoogle will help take India one step closer to your vision of @_DigitalIndia,” Pichai tweeted.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley who launched the app here had said the idea of “Tez” was discussed by Pichai in January, just after demonetisation.

“Google saw a great potential in Indian economy and businesses,” Jaitley said, adding that Google’s new digital payments app over the next few months was likely to make major advances in digital transaction volumes.

Built on the Indian government-supported Unified Payments Interface (UPI), Tez allows users, free of charge, to make small or big payments straight from their bank accounts.

The app was built for India, working on the vast majority of the country’s smartphones and available in English and seven Indian languages (Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil and Telugu).

The app works in partnership with four Banks — Axis Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and State Bank of India — to facilitate the processing of payments across over 50 UPI-enabled banks.

According to D.D. Mishra, Research Director, Gartner, Tez provides promising features which are in-line with the requirements.

“It is too early to say whether it can be a game changer as evolution in this business is going to continue, but yes it has the capabilities to bring some disruption as of now,” Mishra said in a statement.

Moreover, Google’s information about an individual’s preferences can play a good role in enabling business to know their preferences and provide offers with interesting options.

“The mobile wallet industry too, is evolving and we are at an interesting stage in this competition. Eventually, UPI payments will have an upper hand if it continues to remain free and provide better security, convenience and add more Value Added Services,” Mishra informed.

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UC San Diego dedicates new science building to Tata



Ratan Tata (center) celebrated the building’s dedication with Chancellor Khosla and members of the new Tata Institute for Genetics and Society. CREDIT: UC San Diego

University of California in San Diego celebrated the dedication of a new building for the divisions of Biological and Physical Sciences on Sept. 12: Tata Hall for the Sciences or Tata Hall.

The dedication was in recognition of a $70 million gift given to the university by Tata Trusts last year in an effort to create a bi-national Tata Institute for Genetics and Society.

The Tata Institute for Genetics and Society was established as a collaborative partnership between the university and research operations in India and will occupy the fifth floor of Tata Hall.

The institute’s mission is to advance global science and technology through socially conscious means to develop solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges, such as public health and agriculture.

“It is my privilege to dedicate this building in recognition of the Tata Trusts’ leadership and collaboration with UC San Diego, and the Tata family’s pioneering philanthropy and singular impact to bring about societal change,” said UC San Diego Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla.

“Tata Hall exemplifies UC San Diego’s tradition of non-tradition, inspiring cross-disciplinary collaboration among researchers and the next generation of innovators. This building will embody the spirit of the many shared values of UC San Diego and the Tata Trusts to benefit our global society,” he added.

Trustees of the Tata Trusts were present at the dedication of Tata Hall and participated in the ceremonial signing of a beam that will be incorporated into the construction of the building which is to be completed in 2018.

“I am very proud of being associated with this great institution. I realized that here in San Diego, I had seen a gold mine of intellectual capacity and enthusiasm. I kept feeling that there is something happening at UC San Diego that would make a difference in the years ahead. What we are doing is a big thing for mankind in our part of the world … and I look forward to this involvement as just a first part of what we can do together,” said Tata Trusts Chairman Ratan N. Tata.

Along with the dedication of the new building, new faculty members were announced as well including Suresh Subramani, Tata Chancellor’s Endowed Professorship in Molecular Biology; Ethan Bier, Tata Chancellor’s Endowed Professorship in Cell and Developmental Biology; Karthik Muralidharan, Tata Chancellor’s Endowed Professorship in Economics and Anita Raj, Tata Chancellor’s Endowed Professorship in Medicine.

Ratan Tata, chairman of Tata Trusts, puts his signature on a construction beam that will become part of Tata Hall, slated to be completed in fall 2018. CREDIT: UC San Diego

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H-1B visa premium processing resumes



U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has resumed premium processing for all H-1B visa petitions subject to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 cap which has been set at 65,000 visas.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has resumed premium processing for all H-1B visa petitions subject to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 cap which has been set at 65,000 visas.

Premium processing has also resumed for the annual 20,000 additional petitions that are set aside to hire workers with a U.S. master’s degree or higher educational degree.

So here is how it works.

When a petitioner requests the agency’s premium processing service, USCIS will guarantee a 15-day processing time and if that 15-day processing time is not met, the agency will refund the petitioner’s premium processing service fee and continue with  the expedite processing of the application.

But this service is only available for pending petitions, not new submissions, since USCIS received many of them in April already.

In addition to the resumption of premium processing for H-1B visa petitions subject to the FY 2018 cap, USCIS previously resumed premium processing H-1B petitions filed by physicians under the Conrad 30 waiver program, as well as interested government agency waivers and for certain H-1B petitions that are not subject to the cap, however, premium processing remains temporarily suspended for all other H-1B petitions, such as extensions of stay.

USCIS plans to resume premium processing for all other remaining H 1B petitions not subject to the FY 2018 cap, as agency workloads permit.

In the meantime, remaining petitioners may submit a request to expedite their application if they meet one or more of the specific agency criteria which include the following:

  • Severe financial loss to company or person
  • Emergency situation
  • Humanitarian reasons
  • Nonprofit organization whose request is in furtherance of the cultural and social interests of the United States
  • Department of Defense or national interest situation (These particular expedite requests must come from an official U.S. government entity and state that delay will be detrimental to the government.)
  • USCIS error
  • Compelling interest of USCIS

USCIS will review all expedite requests on a case-by-case basis and will be granted by the office leadership.

More announcements are to be made for when USCIS will begin accepting premium processing for other H-1B petitions which are not subject to the FY 2018 cap.

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New York man of Indian origin sentenced in international $200 million credit card fraud



An Indian-American man from New York was sentenced Sept. 10, to 24 months in prison for his role in one of the largest credit card fraud schemes ever charged by the Justice Department,

Raghbir Singh, 61, of Hicksville, New York, previously pleaded guilty before U.S. Magistrate Judge Madeline Cox Arleo to an information charging him with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud. Judge Arleo imposed the sentence today in Newark federal court.

Singh admitted he helped obtain credit cards in the name of third parties – many of which were fictional – then directed the credit cards to be mailed to addresses controlled by members of the conspiracy. He also admitted he knew the cards would be used fraudulently at businesses. In addition to the prison terms, Judge Arleo sentenced Singh to three years of supervised release and fined him $1,000.

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court, Singh was originally charged in February 2013 as part of a conspiracy to fabricate more than 7,000 false identities to obtain tens of thousands of credit cards.

Members of the conspiracy doctored credit reports to pump up the spending and borrowing power associated with the cards. They then borrowed or spent as much as they could, based on the phony credit history, but did not repay the debts – causing more than $200 million in confirmed losses to businesses and financial institutions, according to a press release from the Justice Department.

Constructing an elaborate network of false identities across the country, the conspirators maintained more than 1,800 “drop addresses,” including houses, apartments and post office boxes, which they used as the mailing addresses of the false identities.

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