Indian American philanthropist and humanitarian Meera Gandhi gives three tips on love, joyfulness and de-stress in each episode of her new show The Meera Gandhi Show, which was screened at the Disney Screening Room on Park Avenue on Tuesday, March 13.
The show’s first season is already out with 13 episodes available to view at www.themeeragandhishow.com as well as on Facebook and VIMEO, and was also aired on B4U Music, one of the world’s leading Bollywood TV network.
According to the website, the show is supposed to inspire people to bring back positivity into their lives and find a spiritual awakening in the digital age.
Each episode starts out with three vibrating chants of ‘Aum’ then continues onto the guest of the day who gives an insight to the topic of the episode through their experiences, ending with a musical segment.
These topics include love, compassion, celebration, peace, freedom, happiness, accomplishments, karma & destiny, revitalization, yoga, creativity and climate change, and some of the guests who discuss these topics with Gandhi on the show include DJ Donna D’Cruz, dancer Jules Bakshi, Oscar winning violinist Tim Fain, Bhuddist monk Aria Das and PR guru Rob Goldstone.
“The show brings to life, nuggets of inspirational wisdom, combined with inspiring stories of people’s childhood lessons, successes, failures, future endeavors, and what it means to give back,” states the website.
The first season is filmed in various locations around New York, at unique angles, which allows the viewer to be at peace with oneself.
For the second season, Gandhi said she wishes to film the episodes in the spiritual places of India such as the banks of the River Ganga, Haridwar and Rishikesh.