Indian American Aditya Sastry recorded a woman yelling out racial comments to him and his friend, who was of Puerto Rican descent, while they were in line for pizza with a group of friends in Seattle, Washington, according to Metro News.
According to the video which Sastry posted on Facebook, the woman asks them “Where are you from?” and says “You’re not white enough,” before telling them to “Go back to your own fucking country.”
She then continues to insult them, claiming that the innocent group are from “terrorist countries” and says that she will “have them arrested.”
At one point she even yells: “Have more respect you fucking terrorist ass’ and calls Sastry a ‘Saudi n***a.”
The video ends abruptly as the woman knocks the phone out of Sastry’s hand, shattering it.
But Sastry writes more about the incident on Facebook adding that the attack worsened after he stopped filming.
“The confrontation continued with escalating racism and threats of violence primarily against Joey, the black woman next to me, and myself. It became quickly apparent that her issue was with Joey and my appearance as we are ethnically Puerto Rican and Indian, respectively. We’ve both faced racist incidents before, but this is the second time this year I’ve been accosted by white Americans claiming this country is theirs,” Sastry wrote, adding “I was born and raised in this country and have been blessed with opportunities that don’t exist or aren’t as accessible elsewhere, but I find myself having a more and more difficult time feeling welcome in my own country.”
Sastry, who is originally from San Jose, California, told Metro News that he is sharing the video to “highlight the reality of the current socio political climate” and hopefully identify the woman who assaulted him and his friends.
Sastry told Metro News that if anyone recognized the woman then they should contact the Seattle Police Department.
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