Here’s a simple recipe that promises to boost the flavor of other savory #OnePan recipes. The slow-roasted infusion of garlic and herbs takes so little effort yet it offers so many possibilities. Use it to saute onions and to coat roasting vegetables. Pan-fry chicken breasts and fish with it. Brush it on grilled slices of bread. Swirl it into hummus of bowls of soup. Heck, you can even drizzle it over popcorn.
Everything Oil
Makes 3 cups
The oil can be refrigerated for up to 3 weeks; or longer if you remove the solids.
- 3 lemons, scrubbed well
- Peeled cloves from 1 head garlic
- 1 small chile pepper (optional)
- 4 bay leaves
- 8 sprigs fresh thyme
- 3 cups olive oil (can be extra-virgin)
Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
Use a vegetable peeler to remove the peel of each lemon, with as little white pith as possible, placing the strips in a small ovenproof saucepan or baking dish as you work. (Reserve the remaining fruit for another use.)
Add the garlic cloves, chile, if using, bay leaves and thyme. Pour in the oil, making sure to add enough so all those components are submerged. Cover tightly with aluminum foil and slow-roast (middle rack) for about 1½ hours.
Uncover and let cool. The oil can be used right away (strained), or transfer it along with the solids to a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.
NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS | Per tablespoon serving: 120 calories, 0 g protein, 0 g carbohydrates, 14 g fat, 2 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium, 0 g dietary fiber, 0 g sugar
The post A Genius Step That Will Improve Your Cold-Weather Cooking appeared first on News India Times.