News India Times and Desi Talk has endorsed Anthony Santino as the candidate for Town of Hempstead on the Republican Party line.
Supervisor Santino has a distinguished career in public service. An eight-year veteran of the East Rockaway Village Board, he was elected a village trustee in 1983 at the age of 22 and re-elected in 1987, serving as Deputy Mayor for two years.
He also served as District Director and Executive Assistant to Congressman Norman F. Lent before joining the staff of the Nassau County Board of Supervisors. Prior to Supervisor Santino’s service on the town board, he was the town’s Director of Communications for six-and-a-half years.
As Town of Hempstead Supervisor, Tony will be committed to ending the corruption that has compromised the public’s trust in government, protecting local property taxpayers and creating an economic renaissance to provide a brighter future for the middle class.
Tony’s goals are to cut spending, reducing costs and saving tax dollars with innovation, doing more with less, strengthening ethics and increasing transparency, working for our families and seniors and protecting our environment.
Supervisor Anthony J. Santino has a proven record of fiscal success. He continues to put our middle class families and seniors first. His top priority has always been maintaining town programs and services while showing the highest degree of respect for each and every taxpayer who calls our township home.
Under Santino’s leadership, Hempstead Town has reduced spending to control costs. These positive steps have allowed the town to provide top-notch municipal services and programs…while minimizing the financial burden on taxpayers.
Since taking office last year, Santino introduced and enacted a comprehensive Ethics Reform package – the toughest on Long Island– that targets pubic corruption and conflicts of interest while enhancing government transparency.
Protecting taxpayers and working for our middle class families and seniors define Supervisor Santino’s record in public service. He is a tireless advocate for Hempstead Town and its residents, standing squarely in the corner of homeowners. What’s refreshing is that Supervisor Santino presides over an effective and responsive municipal government…and he’s a constant advocate to enhance our community’s quality of life.
Harnessing the environment for sustainable energies helps promote conservation. Hempstead Town earned the unique distinction as being named a New York State Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) “New York State Research & Development Authority” during his first term.
Providing quality housing for people of all income levels must be an integral component in any neighborhood in Hempstead Town. Supervisor Anthony J. Santino is committed to creating housing opportunities for all Hempstead Town residents. His opponent Laura Gillen wants to look backward and talk about corruption of other people.
We urge voters to elect the right candidate, Tony Santino, in the best interest of the county.
The post Anthony Santino for Town of Hempstead appeared first on News India Times.